Tim O reilly
En otras entradas me toco presentar la despedida de dos grandes ahora aunque gracias a Dios no es de muerte pero quiero presentarle a esta persona que a hechos aporte para que sigamos escribiendo es: Tim O’Reilly es uno de los editores más exitosos del escenario tecnológico. Y en una entrevista a GigaOM, “ Tim O’Reilly: Why I’m fighting SOPA “ , dice, entre otras cosas, lo siguiente: Piracy is not a real problem. The way I see it, there’s a lack of need for any legislation at all. As a publisher, I have a very deep experience here, and the fact is that piracy is not a significant problem. Yes, there are people who are pirating my books, there are people who are sharing links to places where they can be downloaded. But the vast majority of customers are willing to pay if the product is widely available and the price is fair. If you have a relationship with your customers, and they know you’re doing the right thing, they will support you. The people who are pirating ar...